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81 Park Lane, Poynton, Cheshire SK12 1RD


Usual Opening Times

Tuesday to Friday: 10:00am to 4:30pm

Saturday: 10:00am to 4:00pm

Sunday and Monday: Closed


Finding Us

We're very easy to find, located on the left as you drive along Park Lane from London Road, just before you get to Waitrose.



There is a large car park located behind our shop that is accessed via the road by Waitrose, which is free for 2 hours.


We're about a 20-minute walk from Poynton train station.

Lozziwoo Shop Front March 24.jpg

Did you know? We're a dog friendly shop!


Welcome to our Poynton Boutique!


Here you will find a selection from our range of handmade cards for sale, each of which can be personalised (just like on this website), accompanied by a range of carefully selected, wonderful, and beautiful gifts, with an emphasis on British design and British-made.


Whether you are selecting a gift for yourself, a loved one, a friend, or something amazing for your home, when you take a look around our boutique, we hope you will feel truly inspired. You'll also be able to see the studio at the back where all the cards are made. As you can imagine, it's impossible to stock every card we design, so if there's a particular design you've seen on this website, we always recommend ordering it online for collection to save disappointment.

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